Informații privind politica de schimb din UE și SUA privind reglementarea cripto europeană, stablecoins

The EU and the US swapped crypto policy insights on stablecoins and other issues during a joint financial forum in Brussels last week.

Representatives from the two governments met as part of an EU–US Joint Financial Regulatory Forum from July 13-14, the US Treasury announced. Participants discussed the EU’s new Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) deal,  which was finalized la sfârșitul lunii iunie.

EU participants included representatives from the European Commission and the European Banking Authority, among others. On the American side, officials and staff came from the US Treasury and agencies, including the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and Securities and Exchange Commission. 

The US also shared policy updates on the country’s work around stablecoins and other digital assets. Participants “took stock of discussions around the development of potential central bank digital currencies.” The forum is expected to meet again early next year. 

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