Avocatul Crypto Pierre Poilievre a fost ales lider al Partidului Conservator al Canadei

Bitcoin-friendly Pierre Poilievre was ales leader of the Conservative Party of Canada on September 11.


Pierre Marcel Poilievre is a Canadian politician who has served as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the leader of the Official Opposition since 2022. Poilievre has served as a member of Parliament (MP) since 2004.

The House of Representatives of Canada’s parliament is scheduled to resume on September 20, when Poliyev will lead the Conservative Party in his new capacity to challenge the Trudeau government on a number of issues.

He is a staunch cryptocurrency advocate and has publicly supported allowing Canadians to use bitcoin as legal currency in the country.

He touted cryptocurrencies as a solution to putting people back in control of their currencies and saw them as a way to escape inflation in the country.

Pierre Poilievre a promis anterior că, dacă va deveni prim-ministru al Canadei, va „debloca” potențialul criptomonedelor consultându-se cu autoritățile provinciale, ajutând la dezlegarea rețelei de reglementare care guvernează în prezent criptomonedele și făcând Canada „liderul blockchainului mondial”. 

Odată cu creșterea sectorului cripto, Canada a fost, de asemenea, cu ochii pe problemele legate de securitate.

According to September 24, 2021, a report by Blockchain.News, Canadian market regulators have issued warnings to cryptocurrency service providers who mislead investors through their gambling-style advertisements.

Raportul a adăugat că autoritățile de reglementare a pieței au declarat că a fost publicată o instrucțiune detaliată pentru a ajuta toți părțile interesate implicate pe piață să-și vândă produsele și serviciile în conformitate cu alocația canadiană pentru valori mobiliare.

Alberta, Canada’s most oil-rich province is actively looking to build the region’s tech industry, including mining digital tokens, building data centers, and attracting high-tech workforces.

Sursa imaginii: Shutterstock

Source: https://blockchain.news/news/crypto-advocate-pierre-poilievre-elected-as-leader-of-canadas-conservative-party