Coinbase se asociază cu BlackRock pentru a accesa Crypto – Trustnodes

Coinbase câștigă acces la Aladdin, platforma de gestionare a investițiilor de la BlackRock, care se ocupă de trilioane de active, pentru a oferi expunere la cripto.

„Clienții noștri instituționali sunt din ce în ce mai interesați să obțină expunerea la piețele activelor digitale și se concentrează asupra modului de a gestiona eficient ciclul de viață operațional al acestor active”, a declarat Joseph Chalom, șeful global al parteneriatelor strategice pentru ecosisteme la BlackRock, înainte de a adăuga:

„Această conexiune cu Aladdin le va permite clienților să-și gestioneze expunerile la bitcoin direct în fluxurile de lucru existente de gestionare a portofoliului și de tranzacționare, pentru o vizualizare a întregului portofoliu a riscului pe toate clasele de active.”

The Economist described Aladdin in 2013 as handling “almost 7% of the world’s $225 trillion of financial assets.”

However, not all institutions that have access to Aladdin can now tap into crypto through Coinbase as the institution has to be contracted “with both Aladdin and Coinbase.”

For now therefore it is more the case that BlackRock’s clients, who use Coinbase, can just operate through BlackRock directly, rather than two platforms.

Yet the move even to this stage indicates just how much interest in institutional crypto investment has grown, with Coinbase stating its clients include hedge funds, asset allocators, financial institutions, corporate treasuries and other institutions.

Coinbase has previously revendicat they have 10,000 institutional investors in bitcoin and eth, handling billions a month in volumes while accounting for 60% of all trading.

That has now grown to 76% of all trading, but that’s in part because Coinbase charges institutional investors far, far less than other investors with the public continuing to have a greater share of asset holdings.

Yet institutional interest in crypto has become so great that even a giant like BlackRock can no longer ignore it, with it to be seen whether this integration is just the first step.
