Coinbase integrează „Crypto Scorecard” politicianului în aplicația sa după ce a interzis politica la locul de muncă

Coinbase has begun integrating a crypto scorecard that ranks members of congress in the U.S.-based on their stances on crypto. The data is taken from Crypto Action Network.

Coinbase has begun integrating a scorecard into its app that estimates the sentiment of various politicians on the crypto market. CEO Brian Armstrong posted a tweet on Sept. 15, showing how they were integrating their crypto policy efforts into the app. The objective is to educate users on the positions of politicians on crypto, based on where they live.

Currently, the feature focuses on the United States, though Coinbase plans to cover more regions. U.S. users can see a crypto sentiment score from members of congress based on the public statements that they have made. It also plans to help solicit donations from the community, with Armstrong saying,

„De-a lungul timpului, dorim să ajutăm candidații pro-cripto să solicite donații de la comunitatea cripto (în cripto). De asemenea, ne vom extinde pentru a obține o acoperire geografică mai mare în alegerile globale și vom adăuga date despre diferiți candidați care candidează pentru o funcție (nu doar aleșii actuali).”

The data itself comes from an organization that Coinbase has supported, called Crypto Action Network. Armstrong hopes that the crypto community can play its part in electing pro-crypto officials.

How the scorecard works

Preview of the scorecard: Crypto Action Network

The scorecard published by Rețeaua de acțiune cripto takes publicly available statements and actions to grade officials. The methodology used includes sponsored and/or co-sponsored legislation, positive or negative public statements, selected cryptocurrency votes, crypto-caucus membership, and more.

Coinbase a fost activ in trying to win officials over, whether by regulatory compliance or lobbying. Some individuals may worry about a bias creeping in, but that remains to be seen.

Coinbase and politics, a contentious topic

Coinbase, being so active in trying to get politicians on board with crypto, has had some somewhat controversial incidents regarding politics. The exchange notably interzis discussions of politics and social causes at work. Some in the crypto community may see the introduction of a political crypto scorecard feature as questionable as a result.

However, Coinbase may argue that its scorecard is not the same, and it is in keeping with the mission-focused statements that it made in postul inițial. It’s clear that the exchange wants to win lawmakers over, and Armstrong has even a spus that it wants every company in the world in crypto.

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