Lens Protocol: un grafic social descentralizat compus pentru o comunitate pregătită pentru web3

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Building a social media platform from scratch is a daunting task. First, you need to establish a social graph which is a map of the relationships between people. A social graph is composed of nodes (individuals or organizations) and the edges (relationships) that connect them.

To create a social graph, you need to have a way to track these relationships between people. This is usually done with some sort of data structure, like a graph database.

Există câteva moduri diferite de a crea un grafic social. O modalitate este de a folosi un serviciu centralizat, cum ar fi Facebook sau LinkedIn. Cu un serviciu centralizat, toate datele sunt stocate într-un singur loc și controlate de acea companie. Acest lucru are avantajul de a fi ușor de utilizat, dar vine cu câteva dezavantaje. În primul rând, compania care controlează serviciul central poate cenzura conținutul sau șterge conturile după bunul plac.

În al doilea rând, aceste servicii centralizate sunt izolate, ceea ce înseamnă că datele nu sunt accesibile altor aplicații și suplimente care ar putea dori să se integreze cu aplicația centralizată. În cele din urmă, aceste servicii sunt supuse unor puncte unice de eșec. Dacă serverul se defectează, serviciul nu este disponibil.

At a time when social media platforms determine what information we see and don’t see, it’s more important than ever to have a decentralized social graph that will enable the creation of a censorship-resistant Web3-ready social media platform.

Cue Lens Protocol, un grafic social web3 construit pe blockchain-ul Polygon Proof-of-Stake pentru a oferi creatorilor comunităților publicitare din întreaga lume capacitatea de a lansa platforme de social media și profiluri pe care le dețin.

Ce este Lens Protocol?

Lens Protocol este creația echipei din spatele pilonului DeFi Aave led by Aave’s founder Stani Kulechev și CEO Alexander Svanevik. Echipa include, de asemenea, CTO Jan Isakovic, care a lucrat anterior la contractele inteligente ale 0x, și Product Manager Filip Martinka.

Lens is an open-source social graph that allows developers to launch web3-ready social media platforms and profiles. It is built on Polygon’s eco-friendly blockchain and works to allow creators to take ownership of their content wherever they go in a Web3 environment.

Web3 simply refers to the next generation of the internet where users are in control of their data. In a Web3 world, there is no need for intermediaries like social media platforms because users can interact directly with each other. Lens Protocol is built with modularity in mind, thereby allowing new features and fixes to be added to it thus ensuring that the social graph keeps up with the ever-evolving Web3 world.

Cum functioneaza?

With web2 social media networks, all the platforms read data from a unique centralized database. With such a framework, there is no easy way to port data from one platform to another. This is where Lens Protocol comes from.

This open-source and composable social graph can empower creators to own the links between themselves and their community as well as the content they post on the platform through the use of NFT-uri.

NFTs are used on the platform to represent user profiles. Users are allowed to create profiles that interact with each other forming a social graph. The data and the relationships between users are stored on-chain on Polygon’s Proof-of-Stake Layer 2 solution. This makes it possible to port data from one platform to another without any central authority.

For instance, a profile owner can publish a standard piece of content, a comment which points back to the profile owner or follows other profile owners through Lens Protocol’s whitelisted logic embedded in the NFT’s smart contract.

From setting an image for the profile to the setting of the profile’s “dispatcher,” everything about the profile can be managed on-chain, thereby giving users full control over their data.

The platform also allows for the development of social media platforms and profiles that are compatible with Web3 wallets like MetaMask, Gnosis Safe, and Argent. This compatibility makes it possible for users to log in to their social media accounts using their Web3 wallets without having to create a new account on every other platform they interact with.

Ce problema rezolva?

The social media landscape is currently controlled by a few centralized platforms. These platforms determine what users see and don’t see. They also have the power to censor content they don’t agree with.

This centralized control over social media leads to several problems. First, it results in the suppression of dissenting voices. Second, it leads to the curation of content that is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Third, it gives rise to echo chambers where people only see content that they agree with.

Lens Protocol este conceput pentru a rezolva aceste probleme, oferind utilizatorilor puterea de a-și lansa platformele de socializare și de a controla profilurile online pe care le poartă cu ei pe internetul web3.

With modularity at the core of the Lens Protocol, not only is ownership guaranteed but also the community can determine the future of the platform by building and developing new innovative features that can be integrated into the social graph.

În acest fel, Lens Protocol poate crea un ecosistem de platforme de social media care sunt descentralizate, deschise și corecte.

Viitorul rețelelor sociale web3

From the ground up, Lens Protocol is designed to be a community-owners and ever-evolving social graph. The protocol is open-source, and anyone can contribute to its development.

The long-term vision for the team behind the project is to create a social media ecosystem that is composed of many small, independent platforms that are all connected through the Lens Protocol.

At the moment, Lens Protocol is running a campaign that is offering $250,000 in grants to developers to build new apps on Lens. already, there are some potential ideas ranging from apps and games such as Phaver (a social mobile app with Lens support), Iris (a token-gated content app ), and Clinto, which is a content personalization app.

Source: https://cryptoslate.com/lens-protocol-a-composable-decentralized-social-graph-for-a-web3-ready-community/