Deus Ex Machina – Züs vine pentru a rezolva problema Big Data a Web 3.0 cu viitorul stocării descentralizate

November 17, 2022 – Cupertino, California

DStorage leader 0Chain becomes Züs, offering lightning fast solutions for DeFi NFTs and the future of Web 3.0.

Emerging from DStorage leader 0Chain, Züs arrives at the perfect time to solve one of the major problems facing Web 3.0 how can a decentralized internet rely so heavily on centralized cloud data solutions?

Züs, an open source protocol, is a high-performance, lightning-fast decentralized storage network which will open the door to the limitless possibilities of Web 3.0. Züs, the god of the sky, will finally take Web 3.0 beyond the cloud.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, so does how people and businesses use it. With Web 3.0 now manifesting in full, an unprecedented amount of data including sensitive personal, financial and health data is expected to aggregate.

Yet, much of the decentralized internet continues to operate on centralized cloud servers. Züs heralds a new era in how data is stored and accessed, creating a powerful economic catalyst for a new ‘cloud’ industry.

Saswata Basu, CEO of Züs, said,

“0Chain has evolved from a blockchain technology a journey we embarked on five years ago to a cloud solution platform that empowers people and businesses to be limitless. Züs is ready to power the full arrival of Web 3.0.”

Viziunea lui 0Chain a fost întotdeauna aceea de a oferi oamenilor acces la și control asupra propriilor date. Schimbarea la Züs reflectă puterea crescută a lanțului prin dezvoltarea de produse și maturizarea modelului economic și simbolizează angajamentul profund al companiei față de principiile grecești de guvernare echitabilă și deschisă.

Platforma unică de stocare descentralizată a lui Züs deschide ușa pentru ca oamenii și întreprinderile să fie nelimitate și permite creșterea afacerilor mici și venituri pasive pentru persoane fizice.

Differentiating it from previous DStorage protocols, Züs is able to match AWS S3 performance. While platforms like Filecoin and IPFS are good for archival storage, their slower-than-average transaction speeds present long-term limits for Web 3.0 storage.

Züs solves this problem through its parallel architecture, which has the benefits of better security, privacy, availability and cost transparency.

Züs is also pleased to announce an ecosystem of DApps that will be available soon. Enabling limitless privacy, security, resiliency and creativity, these DApps will revolutionize how individuals and businesses store and access their data, how NFT creators can enhance their asset value and how DeFi can be de-risked.

To learn more about how Züs can empower you or your business, follow Züs on Twitter sau vizita lor .

Despre Züs

Züs (formerly 0Chain) is a new way to store data and provide storage, build apps, enhance NFT value and earn a living from storage income.


Ayele McCarthy, press for Züs

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