Top 5 Web 3 Criptomonede care ar putea prelua Bitcoin în viitor

Pentru moment, Tehnologia blocurilor is gaining traction, and one of the most unique areas where it is expected to make progress is the internet. We can expect a strong convergence and symbiotic relationship between these three technologies and other fields because Web 3.0 networks will operate through decentralized protocols—the founding blocks of blockchain and crypto technology. Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies are decentralized projects that use smart contracts to automate internet transactions. However, in the future, a number of Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies might surpass Bitcoin.

Web 3.0 refers to the third-generation internet, in which apps and websites will process data in a much more human-like manner. Web 3.0 will thrive thanks to technologies such as big data, machine learning, and decentralized ledgers.

Top 5 Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies that may eventually replace Bitcoin

Heliu (HNT)

Blockchain-based decentralized network Helium uses the proof-of-coverage algorithm to connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Users of low-power devices can communicate with one another and send data over a network made up of nodes called hotspots, each of which covers a specific area of the network, using Helium, which enables users to build decentralized wireless infrastructure on any scale. The hotspots work as miners as well. Users of the network who purchase or construct a hotspot run the network’s nodes and mine HNT, the native cryptocurrency of the Heliu rețea.


Filecoin (FIL)

Utilizatorii Filecoin pot câștiga simbolul platformei prin închirierea spațiului pe hard disk-urile computerelor lor. Filecoin este o rețea de stocare descentralizată peer-to-peer. Capacitatea Filecoin de a stoca active digitale precum muzica sau arta în spatele jetoanelor nefungibile este unul dintre principalele sale avantaje. În rețeaua Filecoin, oricine poate fi furnizor de stocare, indiferent dacă este o persoană fizică sau un centru de date.


Debit (FLOW)

Flux was designed to make it easier for developers to create Web 3.0 aplicații și implementați-le simultan pe diverse rețele. Dezvoltarea de proiecte descentralizate este o altă utilizare a acesteia. Utilizatorii pot accesa date atât în ​​lanț, cât și în afara lanțului, cu designul Oracle Flux, care are o infrastructură exclusiv descentralizată.

BitTorrent-Nou (BTT)

BitTorrent is a top peer-to-peer file-sharing platform with more than 2 billion users and 200 million wallets. It has torrent client software for Mac, Android, Windows, and other operating systems. It claims to be “the biggest distributed network in the world” and offers safe torrent product streaming and downloading. However, users can upgrade to premium memberships for a fee to benefit from advantages like virtual private network capabilities and ad-free browsing.


Lanț (LINK)

Chainlink is an Ethereum-based decentralized network that enables the development of smart contracts based on actual data. Its ability to integrate with any blockchain has led to its widespread use as a platform for oracle services. Recently, demand for Chainlink’s native coin, LINK, has grown. At one point, it surpassed Shiba Inu as the cryptocurrency that the biggest ether holders traded and held the most. It is one of the most effective Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies and will eventually replace Bitcoin.



Creșterea criptomonedelor Web 3.0 este inevitabilă având în vedere sosirea Web 3.0. Principiile utilității sporite, deschiderii și descentralizării formează fundamentul Web 3.0. Având în vedere numărul tot mai mare de oameni care susțin aceste idei, jetoanele Web 3.0 pot deveni investiții profitabile ca urmare a suportului sporit. Dar investiția în criptomonede este încă foarte speculativă.

Citeste si: Ce este Web3 și de ce ar trebui să îți pese?

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