Platforma Webtoon bazată pe blockchain „TooNFT” se lansează pe ecosistemul Toomics – Comunicat de presă Știri Bitcoin

COMUNICAT DE PRESA. Tortola, BVI, 10 Jan 2022: Oricine a acordat atenție lumii NFT-urilor (jetoane nefungibile) va ști că oamenilor le place să investească în inițiative cu tematică animată. Fie că este vorba de criptomonedele extrem de populare orientate spre câini, cum ar fi Dogecoin (DOGE) și Shiba Inu (SHIB), sau poate chiar colecțiile NFT bine-cunoscute precum The Bored Ape Yacht Club (TBAYC), faptul rămâne că în ceea ce privește investițiile în zilele noastre, toonii continuă să joace un rol important.

With that being said, ‘TooNFT’, a blockchain-oriented webtoon platform, recently made it known that it has debuted on the ecosystem of South Korea’s leading webtoon company, Toomics. To help with the construction of a fully decentralised webtoon platform, the TooNFT team secured a whopping $1.75 million via a private financing round.

Ce este TooNFT?

TooNFT is built upon the Toomics ecosystem, which is one of the most sought after webtoon service platforms with about 50 million active web users in addition to more than 10 million app downloads on both Android and iOS, as well as a robust profit-generating business structure. Essentially, TooNFT may best be understood as a blockchain-oriented platform which strives to revolutionize the comics and webtoon industry through the creation of an intuitive next-generation ecosystem built around NFTs.

HG Ventures a condus astfel runda privată de finanțare menționată anterior, care a fost susținută de investitori instituționali remarcabili precum Adaptive Labs, Alphabit, GBIC, Prestige Fund și Mindfulness Capital. Prin aderarea la standarde înalte și a obiectivului general de a îmbrățișa un viitor descentralizat, platforma TooNFT a fost lansată pe deasupra ecosistemului Toomics menționat mai sus, pentru a introduce conceptul de jetoane nefungibile în sectorul webtoon și benzi desenate.

TooNFT’s main objective is to hence enhance the innovative environment by providing a system which enables writers to draw in investments through the P2P (Peer To Peer) format without monopolising the intermediation process. As a result, by generating a sizable amount of support via early-stage investors in the amount of $1.75 million in their private as well as seed rounds, TooNFT can thus begin developing its webtoon NFT infrastructure to successfully integrate with the blockchain distributed ledger technology. Moreover, it is working towards making meaningful improvements regarding the webtoon industry including but not limited to easy-investment access for numerous regular users without the involvement of intermediaries, as well as a secure and dependable service with transparent data and various staking and reinvestment opportunities. TooNFT therefore leverages blockchain to become the world’s inaugural worldwide decentralized webtoon platform for mass consumption.

Semnificația Toomics

Toomics began in 2015 by garnering up to $15 million in venture capital funding to launch their objective of developing a platform for webtoons and comics. Toomics has since exceeded all initial expectations and has up to 7 million MAU, inked collaborations with AfreecaTV, Tencent, KEB Hana Bank, and GMarket, and is now considered as one of the biggest webtoon platforms in the entire world, having received various accolades from respected institutions. Toomics hence has strong business traction, with up to $60 million made annually from centralized sales of various webtoon subscriptions on its platform.

În termeni profani, își propune să perturbe afacerea webtoon prin utilizarea unui protocol orientat spre blockchain și dezvoltarea unui ecosistem NFT foarte avansat și intuitiv. Prin urmare, TooNFT se va descurca bine lucrând alături de o astfel de platformă inovatoare și de succes.

Contact media:

Numele CEO: Kim Dongil

E-mail: [e-mail protejat]

Telefon: + 82 10 8006 0401

Companie: Global Digital Contents Ltd.

Adresa: Charles Court, 1st Floor, 189 Main Street, PO Box 4406, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands.


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