Tranzacțiile combinate pe lanțurile Arbitrum și Optimism L2 depășesc numărul zilnic de transferuri Ethereum – Defi Bitcoin News

Since The Merge, Ethereum’s onchain fees have been considerably lower. However, combined transaction volume on layer two (L2) chains Arbitrum and Optimism has outpaced Ethereum’s onchain transaction output. On Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023, Ethereum processed 1.10 million onchain transactions, while combined transactions on Arbitrum and Optimism reached 1.32 million for the same day.

Rise of L2 Scaling Solutions Arbitrum and Optimism

Onchain transaction fees have decreased significantly since the first week of Aug. 2022 and even more so since the blockchain transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to a proof-of-stake (PoS) network on Sept. 15, 2022. Data from trackerul de gaz al shows that the highest priority onchain ether transaction costs an estimated $0.75 or 23 gwei on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

According to Sunday, Jan. 15, 2023 data, the average Arbitrul transaction costs around $0.101 per transfer, while an Optimism transaction costs $0.1410 per transfer. L2 scaling solutions have become increasingly popular since 2020, with options such as Poligonul Hermez, zksync, Boba, și Starknet, in addition to Optimism and Arbitrum.

Transactions per day for Optimism, Arbitrum, and Ethereum with data recorded on Jan. 14, 2023.

These solutions allow for faster and cheaper transactions by reducing the computational workload on the main blockchain network (Ethereum), or layer one (L1). Arbitrum and Optimism transactions are periodic “rolled up” and recorded on Ethereum using an optimistic rollup or optimistic virtual machine. Dune Analytics statistică show that both L2 networks, Arbitrum and Optimism, have seen a significant increase in daily transactions.

For example, Optimism recorded 737,191 transactions on Jan. 14, and Arbitrum captured 586,745 transactions on the same day. Since Jan. 10, 2023, the combined number of transactions on both Arbitrum and Optimism has surpassed the number of direct Ethereum onchain transfers. For example, on Jan. 10, the combined transaction count for both L2 scaling networks was around 1.12 million, while Ethereum processed 1.06 million on-chain transfers.

On Jan. 14, 2023, according to data from Dune Analytics, the combined transaction count for both L2 networks was around 1.32 million transactions, compared to the 1.10 million transactions settled on the Ethereum chain. Ethereum still processes a significant number of transactions per day compared to most blockchains. Since June 17, 2020, Ethereum has typically processed over a million transactions per day. However, a few other crypto networks settle more transactions than Ethereum does, such as XRP și Poligon.

On Jan. 14, Polygon recorded 3.10 million transactions and XRP saw 1.25 million transactions settled on that day. While the L2 chains Arbitrum and Optimism on their own have not surpassed Ethereum’s, XRP’s or Polygon’s transaction per day count, they have seen a significant increase in the last 12 months.

Comparison of Ethereum and XRP network transactions by daily count on Jan. 15, 2023.

For example, on Jan. 15, 2022, Ethereum processed 1.17 million transactions that day, while Arbitrum processed 21,734 transfers per day, and Optimism processed 30,430 transactions per day. The data shows that over the last 12 months, Arbitrum’s transaction per day count has increased by 2,599%, and the L2 scaling solution Optimism’s daily transfer count has risen by 2,322% since Jan. 2022.

Etichete în această poveste
Arbitrul, Blockchain, Lanţuri, mai ieftin, sarcina de lucru de calcul, Crypto, numărul zilnic de transferuri, transferuri zilnice, Dune Analytics, Ethereum, mai repede, creştere, creşte, L2, Scalarea L2, Stratul doi, LOWER, blockchain principal, reţea, rețele, Offchain, Onchain, taxe onchain, Optimism, producție, Poligon, Privacy, prelucrare, rulează, Pachetele, Scalarea, Securitate, Contracte inteligente, Statistici, tranzacție, Verificare, Mașină virtuală, volum, XRP, Cunoaștere zero, Pachetele ZK, ZKsnarks

What impact do you think L2 scaling solutions will have on the future of blockchain technology and its adoption? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman este directorul de știri la News și un jurnalist de tehnologie financiară care locuiește în Florida. Redman este un membru activ al comunității criptomonede din 2011. Are o pasiune pentru Bitcoin, codul open-source și aplicațiile descentralizate. Din septembrie 2015, Redman a scris peste 6,000 de articole pentru News despre protocoalele perturbatoare care apar astăzi.

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